Case Study


Portable impedance‑sensing device for microorganism characterization in the field

A variety of biosensors have been proposed to quickly detect and measure the properties of individual microorganisms among heterogeneous populations, but challenges related to cost, portability, stability, sensitivity, and power consumption limit their applicability. Read More


Portable impedance‑sensing device for microorganism characterization in the field

A variety of biosensors have been proposed to quickly detect and measure the properties of individual microorganisms among heterogeneous populations, but challenges related to cost, portability, stability, sensitivity, and power consumption limit their applicability. Read More


Portable impedance‑sensing device for microorganism characterization in the field

A variety of biosensors have been proposed to quickly detect and measure the properties of individual microorganisms among heterogeneous populations, but challenges related to cost, portability, stability, sensitivity, and power consumption limit their applicability. Read More


Portable impedance‑sensing device for microorganism characterization in the field

A variety of biosensors have been proposed to quickly detect and measure the properties of individual microorganisms among heterogeneous populations, but challenges related to cost, portability, stability, sensitivity, and power consumption limit their applicability. Read More

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